
Friday, February 27, 2009

Interfaith Action in Housing Organizer (PT): East Bay Housing Organizations

Job Title: Interfaith Action in Housing Organizer
Organization: East Bay Housing Organizations
Location: Oakland
Salary: Hours and Compensation: 15-20 hours per week. Compensation ranges from $14 - $17 per hour depending on experience.
PT Regular

Job Description:
Part-Time Job Announcement, February 26, 2009 Interfaith Action in Housing Organizer

East Bay Housing Organizations (EBHO) is a nonprofit affordable housing advocacy membership organization dedicated to working with communities in Alameda and Contra Costa counties to preserve, protect, and expand affordable housing opportunities through education, advocacy, coalition building, and interfaith organizing. EBHO was founded in 1984 as the Oakland Housing Organizations, a coalition of housing professionals and advocates. The organization expanded to serve Alameda County in 1995 and Contra Costa County in 1999. During this time, EBHO has become the only East Bay organization of its kind and the unifying force in an affordable housing community recognized as one of the nation’s most sophisticated and innovative.
EBHO’s Interfaith Action in Housing Program is an initiative to engage clergy, congregations, and interfaith leaders in affordable housing advocacy and in exploring the possibilities of affordable housing development on religious properties. EBHO achieves these goals through community organizing, leadership development, educational workshops and affordable housing tours, policy advocacy, coalition building, technical assistance, and facilitating partnerships among non-profit affordable housing practitioners and congregations.

Duties and Responsibilities: The Interfaith Action in Housing Organizer works directly with EBHO staff to deepen and expand EBHO’s interfaith programs and campaigns. EBHO provides an exciting opportunity to promote affordable housing advocacy in interfaith communities and congregations in the East Bay. The Interfaith Action in Housing Organizer works under the direct supervision of the Interfaith Program Director, Reverend Phil Lawson. Rev. Lawson has a wealth of experience in leading interfaith and community collaborations in the East Bay. For over three decades he has provided leadership in the interfaith community, including twelve years as the Pastor of Easter Hill United Methodist Church in Richmond. He is a Board member and founder of many groups including Richmond Vision, Greater Richmond Interfaith Program, Interfaith Coalition for Immigrant Rights, and the California Council of Churches.

The duties and responsibilities of this position include as follows:
1) Conduct outreach and communications with clergy, congregations, and interfaith groups to engage them in affordable housing and homeless advocacy;
2) Organize activities, meetings, trainings, and events to educate faith-based groups and leaders on affordable housing and homeless issues and campaigns, and to increase their knowledge about the critical role of the interfaith community in these issues;
3) Develop educational materials, presentations, and brochures;
4) Identify and develop leadership among faith-based community groups in affordable housing advocacy;
5) Assist in the promotion of affordable housing development opportunities on religious properties;
6) Strengthen the networks and coalitions of faith-based and other community groups committed to affordable housing advocacy and related issues; and
7) Provide administrative and program support to the Interfaith Program Director and other EBHO staff.

Qualifications: Strong verbal and written communication skills. Commitment to social justice. Demonstrated ability to work with diverse groups of people, and sensitivity to racial, ethnic and economic diversity. Self-motivated, creative, energetic, and oriented to teamwork. Familiarity with faith-based organizations preferred. Some experience in community organizing, faith-based organizing, community development, or a related field preferred. BA degree preferred. Bilingual in English/Spanish preferred.

Hours and Compensation: 15-20 hours per week. Compensation ranges from $14 - $17 per hour depending on experience.

How to Apply:
Application Process: Email or send cover letter and résumé to and/or EBHO, Attention: Internship Search, Amie Fishman, East Bay Housing Organizations, 538 – 9th Street, Suite 200, Oakland, CA 94607. Application process is open until position is filled.

EBHO is an equal opportunity employer

Organization Web Site:

Email replies to:

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

PJS Reunion

From PJS Coordinatior, Dale Bryan:


Hello all,

For some of you this is a very long ago blast from the past.  Others, perhaps way too soon to hear from me again!  Either way, I hope to hear back from you in reply to this request.

PJS will celebrate it's 25th year anniversary this coming Oct.  As much as we'd enjoy seeing everyone come back for a party, we won't delude ourselves much in thinking some modest but sizable number of you would return for a weekend.  Especially if you were interested, if not a bit invested, in what is planned.

The current PJS Executive Board would like to know your thoughts to the following:
1) Would homecoming weekend (Oct. 9-12), which is also Columbus Day weekend, offer added incentive or convenience?
2) Would an academic event, i.e., a speaker, or a cultural event, i.e., a performance be of greater interest?
3) Would a panel featuring PJS alumnae (you know, life after Tufts) 'work' better than a 'keynote'?
4) Would an evening party followed by a morning family gathering work for some of you?

In addition to your answers, one way to proceed with this - though you can certainly tell me to delete you from this list - is to reply and let me know if you'd like to have a bit of input into what we end up deciding upon.  If a few of you care to volunteer, we would add you to a working group among the current students and me to pull something together that makes it work for you.

No expectations anyone will jump in and run with this.  But if you think it might be enjoyable to have a PJS reunion, we'd much rather have you give us some guidance.  Undoubtedly, we will have to keep it simple - our budget is the same as it was when you were - yes, all the way back to the mid-80s.

I'll keep this short for now.  However, if you would also glance over the email addresses here and then forward this on to other PJS alum or board members (even strong friends of the program) from your cohort who might be interested, we'd appreciate it.   Feel free to CC me. 

Personally, this was quite a peculiar task today, 'reconnecting' in spirit with each of you.  Of course, some of you have remained in contact, and even a few of you prompted me to join facebook to get me caught up to the 21st Century.  (Consider yourself 'invited' if you want to make that connection.)  For that matter, PJS may even create a facebook account.

What we do have is a very modest web page <>  If you breath any life into this reunion, we might also create a page for and about alumnae on the site. 

I hope to hear from you, one way or another.  I'm sure Paul Joseph would as well <> 

We hope this finds you and yours well, in all the positive senses of the word.


For peace and justice,

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I wrote an op-ed for the Daily about transparency and ethical investment, and they published it today. I thought my shout out to TPAN and the SJF was particularly cleaver. Check it out:


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Monday, February 9, 2009

POTH Bowling at the Milky Way, March 13

Ever been bowling at Milky Way Lounge and Lanes in Jamaica Plain? No? Well this may be your last chance!

Pride On The Hill will be hosting an evening of bowling and socializing at the Milky Way on Friday, March 13--just two weeks before it closes its doors for good! The Milky Way has long been a gathering spot for the queer community in Boston, and POTH is inviting Tufts alumni and a guest to commemorate its great history.

POTH has reserved a few lanes for the competitive among us and will be providing a buffet table and cash bar. All LGBT and ally alumni and grad students of Tufts are invited! Please click here to RSVP by March 5th (not required, but strongly encouraged)!

WHAT: Bowling, gourmet pizzas/appetizers, drinking and mingling

WHERE: Milky Way Lounge and Lanes, 403-405 Centre Street, Jamaica Plain, Boston

WHEN: Friday, March 13, 2009, 7-9pm

HOW MUCH: **FREE** food and bowling, $2 bowling shoe rental, cash bar

RSVP: Click here to let us know if you and a guest are coming!


Check out POTH's NEW website:
Join POTH on Facebook!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Alinsky's Rules for Radicals

Happy Birthday to me!

In celebration, here's a look back at a writing of Saul Alinsky, one of my heroes.

Alinsky's Rules for Radicals

Alston Bannerman Fellowship Program

Fellowships for Activists of Color

Alston Bannerman Fellowship Program

The Alston Bannerman Fellowship Program, an initiative of the Center for Social Inclusion, is committed to advancing progressive social change by helping to sustain long-time activists of color living and working in the U.S. or its territories. The program honors those who have devoted their lives to helping their communities organize for racial, social, economic, and environmental justice. Fellows receive an award of $25,000 to take sabbaticals of three months or more for reflection and renewal. The sabbaticals may be used to explore new interests, travel, relax, visit with other activists, or do whatever the Fellows think is necessary to prepare for their future work. Applicants must have more than ten years of community organizing experience and be committed to continuing to work for social change. Both paid staff and volunteer leaders are eligible for these fellowships. The application deadline is March 31, 2009. Application guidelines and forms are available on the website listed above.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Tufts Diversity Online Forum



Thanks to all of you who have agreed to share your expertise and experiences with Tufts students by registering and posting your bio for our DIVERSITY ONLINE FORUM.  Registration is still open and we welcome additional participants to join us for this opportunity to respond to students' questions. 

Tufts University Career Services, Tufts University Alumni Association, and the Africana, Asian American, and Latino Centers are excited to announce a new program to connect students with alumni of color. Recognizing that technology has enabled professional networking, we are offering an opportunity for alumni-student interaction through this virtual networking forum.  The theme of this forum will be “Advice for an Effective Job Search in a Tough Economy.”  Now more than ever, students are looking to alumni for information, job search tips and advice during economic times such as these.


This program is designed as a career exploration, information gathering and networking opportunity for Tufts students of color.   Students will pose career-related questions to participating alumni through the online forum.  Alumni can then post brief responses to questions at their convenience throughout the week. These exchanges will create an ongoing dialogue between students and alumni.  Sample questions from students could include:

What particular advice would you give to seniors looking for jobs in this economy?

What strategies do you think are effective for landing an entry-level job in your field, or in general?

How did you find your first job after Tufts?

Did you relocate to a new city, and if so, what was that like?

Are there particular networking opportunities available for students of color in your field?  Are there professional associations?


The advantage of a virtual networking forum for our alumni is that this method of interacting with students involves no travel, cost, or time away from home and office and can be done anytime day or night. The clear benefit to the student is having access to the in-depth knowledge, experience, and advice of our alumni.


By registering and posting a brief bio, you agree to be an active participant, login to the forum periodically throughout the week, and respond to any questions relevant to you.


Please sign up by FEBRUARY 9, 2009 through the following link: and follow the instructions.


An email with further instructions and information will be sent to all registered alumni on FEBRUARY 9. 


Please contact Donna Esposito, Tufts Career Services, or Ryan Earley, Tufts Office of Alumni Relations,

Thank you for considering our invitation and we do hope you will join us.  Please register today!

Monday, February 2, 2009

SJF Grants now available

The Tufts Progressive Alumni Network announces a February 15th deadline for applications to its Social Justice Fund. The Social Justice Fund provides grants of $100-$900 for campus activism, social justice projects, or community organizing, with a focus on projects that have an impact both on the Tufts campus and on a larger scale.

Please note that due to shrinking funds, the SJF committee has tightened the number of grants we may give. At the same time, we seek to be more transparent about our grant-making criteria and have posted them on our website. Please visit

Any further questions should be sent to Cindy Chang, LA'03 at

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