
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

film fest june 19 and 20 nyc

Dear Friends,

Please save the date for Friday, June 19th @ 7pm and Saturday, June
20th @ 2pm for the Youth Producing Change Screening, as part of the
Human Rights Watch International Film Festival. Celebrate the work of
these young filmmakers from around the globe and learn about the
issues that are impacting them (homelessness, child labor,
immigration, access to water, poverty, violence and more).

We are also very excited to be offering a special ticket deal: BUY ONE
TICKET ~ GET ONE FREE to the YPC screenings (including the world
premiere and reception)! In addition we will also be hosting an
exclusive press conference for members of the press and youth media
organizations to meet and interview the Youth Producing Change
filmmakers. Tickets Now on Sale at:

We hope that you will pass this information along to students,
colleagues, friends and parents at your school, organization and
community. More information is soon to follow, but please feel free to
contact me if you have any questions or are interested in attending.
I look forward to seeing you all there!

All the best,
Cynthia Carrion
Human Rights Watch International Film Festival
Youth Outreach Coordinator
Phone: 917-447-0991
Fax: 212-736-1300
Film Festival:

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