
Thursday, June 26, 2008

Fwd: Save Antioch College

Dear Professor Mannur,
I am wondering whether you might be interested in signing and helping us circulate our petition in support of Antioch College. This petition is geared specifically towards academics and higher-education professionals across the nation.
Thank you!
Iveta Jusova, Ph.D.
Antioch College
"Save Antioch College as a progressive residential liberal-arts college with a tenured faculty."
We, the undersigned higher-education professionals, urge that Antioch College be reopened as a four-year residential liberal-arts institution at the earliest possible time, so that it can continue its historic mission of educating students to--in the words of its first President Horace Mann--"win victories for humanity."
Antioch University's administration and Board of Trustees announced last year that the University would close Antioch College due to alleged financial exigency, without consulting the faculty or alerting alumni to the gravity of the~situation.~ When alumni demonstrated significant financial support for an independent Antioch College, the Board rejected three viable plans to keep the College open.~ We believe that it is time for Antioch University to step aside and cede control of Antioch College to alumni and faculty holding the needed skills, resources, and determination to restore and maintain this institution.
In line with the recent Antioch University Board of Trustees resolution inviting a new proposal from the Antioch College Alumni Association, we call on the board to facilitate transfer of the College and its assets in a manner that will allow it to reopen as soon as possible under the able stewardship of faculty and alumni who have worked tirelessly to support this institution.~
We applaud the work of "Nonstop Antioch," a coalition of alumni, community members and friends dedicated to saving the College, and the ongoing parallel efforts of the dismissed College faculty to continue the Antioch College tradition of progressive academic and civic education in Yellow Springs next year.~ The Nonstop educational enterprise is built on Antioch's core values, distinguished by high academic standards, a co-op structure of work and study, dedication to social justice, and community governance.
We urge that this tradition be preserved, along with the tradition of tenure and unionized labor, in the form of an autonomous Antioch College.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Lou's new blog!

Who's that cool cat blogging about revolution in Bogota? Why, it's our own Louis Esparza!

Check out his new blog and wish him well in our Southern neighbor.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Work for William Safire!

This has nothing to do with social justice or Tufts but I thought it was so cool that I needed to post it.


Available Position: Research Assistant for William Safire's On Language


· Compile and organize document-based and interview-based research for a weekly New York Times Magazine column. Research topics include (but are not limited to) the origin and popularization of various words and phrases, grammatical questions, and new linguistics trends.

· Meet regularly with Mr. Safire to review and refine research.

· Part-time position based in Washington DC (ideal for a graduate student).


· Must be a student of words, language and grammar.

· Excellent research and copy editing skills including proficiency in Lexis Nexis, Oxford English Dictionary and other lexicographic sources.

· Ability to identity and subsequently interview experts relevant to each particular topic being researched.

· Ability to fact-check quickly and accurately.

· Superb organizational skills

Please send resumes and cover letters to


Thursday, June 19, 2008

PBI MExico

From TPAN Member, Jamie Wick. Peace Brigades International is hiring. This is a great international human rights group.



Hey folks,
We´re in the midst of our selection process. Can you please forward this out to anyone who might be interested in PBI?

Peace Brigades International
(Brigadas Internacionales de Paz)
19 de Junio de 2008
Estimado/a amigo/a
El Proyecto de México de Brigadas Internacionales de Paz busca voluntarios/as que se
pueden integrar al proyecto México a partir de finales de 2008.
Lo que ofrecemos
• Experiencia de trabajo en una organización internacional que apoya y defiende a
los que trabajan por los derechos humanos en México.
• Formación especializada para poder trabajar en el equipo y en México.
• Una experiencia de trabajo en equipo, con una intensa vivencia humana.
• Todos los gastos de viaje y estancia están cubiertos por el proyecto incluyendo
150 USD al mes para gastos personales.
Requisitos para Participar
• Tener un nivel de castellano alto y fluido, tanto hablado como leído y
• Tener experiencia previa de trabajo cualificado en ONGs de derechos
humanos, cooperación, trabajo social, especialmente en Latinoamérica.
• Estar disponible para un año de trabajo en un equipo de PBI-México.
• Los/las voluntarios/as deben ser capaces de evaluar de manera
responsable cuestiones de riesgo y seguridad en las áreas de crisis o
conflicto. Por estos motivos, los/as voluntarios/as son mayores de 25 años.
• Experiencia de trabajo en el área de relaciones públicas, comunicación,
• Capacidad de análisis político.
• Experiencia de trabajo en equipo y convivencia en grupo, especialmente
en situaciones de estrés.
• Conocimiento de la situación mexicana.
• Experiencia de trabajo o conocimiento del área de derechos humanos.
• Manejo de computadoras, tratamiento de textos, correo electrónico, bases
de datos.
• Experiencia de trabajo en el campo de la información, investigación o similar.
Nuestro programa para el proceso de selección y capacitación para el trabajo en México
es el siguiente:
● Fecha tope de mandar la solicitud: 15 de Julio 2008
● Entrevista telefónica y proceso de autoformación: 16 de Julio – 31 de agosto
● Invitación al entrenamiento: midades de agosto
● Fecha del entrenamiento: 14.-21 de Septiembre, Lisboa, Portugal
Cada persona tendrá que correr con los gastos del viaje al entrenamiento y
contribuir la cantidad de €150 a la comida, alojamiento, y materiales.
Para asegurar independencia e imparcialidad, PBI México aplica la “regla de trabajo
sobre su propio país”, según la cual no podemos considerar personas de la nacionalidad
mexicana para posiciones dentro del Proyecto México, mientras que otros proyectos del
PBI están abiertos a los ciudadanos mexicanos bajo las condiciones generales.
Para más información consulta:
Para bajar los formularios de la solicitud/ referencias:
Por favor, enviar su solicitud rellenada hasta la fecha tope indicada a Silvia Carvallo,
Saludos cordiales,
Grupo de Formación de PBIMéxico

Economics Position at Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies

Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies

Junior or Senior Faculty Position in Economics

The School of Forestry & Environmental Studies (F&ES) at Yale University invites applications for a tenure-track or tenured faculty position in economics. The successful candidate is expected to have a Ph.D. in economics and an established research program on such topics as: environment and development (sustainable development), international trade and the environment, agriculture and environment, integration of ecosystem and economic models, or global public goods. International, women, and U.S. minority candidates are especially encouraged to apply. The successful applicant will be expected to teach courses at the graduate level in F&ES and at the undergraduate level in Yale College. The successful candidate will be expected to build on existing strengths in economics at Yale and also to develop collaborative activities with other disciplines working on crosscutting environmental issues.

Applicants should send a curriculum vitae, a statement of research interests, a statement of teaching interests, one representative paper, and a list of three references via email to or via surface mail to:

Economics Search
c/o Assistant Dean Jane Coppock
Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies
205 Prospect Street
New Haven, CT 06511

The committee will begin reviewing applications November 1, 2008. The search remains open until the position is filled.

For more information about the position, contact search committee chair Professor Robert Mendelsohn at

Yale University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Men and women of diverse racial/ethnic backgrounds and cultures are encouraged to apply.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

100 for justice

The IRS is sending $300-600 to individuals around the country, encouraging us to spend this money to re-stimulate the economy. We could all go out shopping for plasma TVs and hand the money to corporations. Or, we can see this as an opportunity to give money back to our communities, support local economies, and stimulate the kind of world we really want to live in. was created to help you donate to grassroots, community-based groups working for social change. On our GIVE page, you'll find a list of incredible organizations. We've chosen to feature groups that are led by the same people they're serving; this means most are run by and for people of color and oppressed communities. These are mostly small groups, where a donation of $100 will go directly to ground-level work, not large administrative overheads. These groups use their funding to create necessary and often overdue changes.

Give to one of the groups you discover on the website, or walk down the street and hand $100 to a local copwatch organization, or a community-run daycare. Ask yourself how you wish your tax money was really used, and fund the change you want to see.

Give what you can. Let's keep the money in our communities, and spend to stimulate justice.

Spread the Word:
Facebook name: Justice Donations

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