
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

PJS Reunion

From PJS Coordinatior, Dale Bryan:


Hello all,

For some of you this is a very long ago blast from the past.  Others, perhaps way too soon to hear from me again!  Either way, I hope to hear back from you in reply to this request.

PJS will celebrate it's 25th year anniversary this coming Oct.  As much as we'd enjoy seeing everyone come back for a party, we won't delude ourselves much in thinking some modest but sizable number of you would return for a weekend.  Especially if you were interested, if not a bit invested, in what is planned.

The current PJS Executive Board would like to know your thoughts to the following:
1) Would homecoming weekend (Oct. 9-12), which is also Columbus Day weekend, offer added incentive or convenience?
2) Would an academic event, i.e., a speaker, or a cultural event, i.e., a performance be of greater interest?
3) Would a panel featuring PJS alumnae (you know, life after Tufts) 'work' better than a 'keynote'?
4) Would an evening party followed by a morning family gathering work for some of you?

In addition to your answers, one way to proceed with this - though you can certainly tell me to delete you from this list - is to reply and let me know if you'd like to have a bit of input into what we end up deciding upon.  If a few of you care to volunteer, we would add you to a working group among the current students and me to pull something together that makes it work for you.

No expectations anyone will jump in and run with this.  But if you think it might be enjoyable to have a PJS reunion, we'd much rather have you give us some guidance.  Undoubtedly, we will have to keep it simple - our budget is the same as it was when you were - yes, all the way back to the mid-80s.

I'll keep this short for now.  However, if you would also glance over the email addresses here and then forward this on to other PJS alum or board members (even strong friends of the program) from your cohort who might be interested, we'd appreciate it.   Feel free to CC me. 

Personally, this was quite a peculiar task today, 'reconnecting' in spirit with each of you.  Of course, some of you have remained in contact, and even a few of you prompted me to join facebook to get me caught up to the 21st Century.  (Consider yourself 'invited' if you want to make that connection.)  For that matter, PJS may even create a facebook account.

What we do have is a very modest web page <>  If you breath any life into this reunion, we might also create a page for and about alumnae on the site. 

I hope to hear from you, one way or another.  I'm sure Paul Joseph would as well <> 

We hope this finds you and yours well, in all the positive senses of the word.


For peace and justice,