
Saturday, September 20, 2008

Student Liaison Update

As far as I know the contract negotiations with the janitors went well.

YAY for a success story!

Currently, we are working on reassembling those involved in last semesters open letter so that we can continue to discuss our concerns with the administration and board of trustees. Thanks to all members of TPAN who supported us in that effort and signed the letter.

As you may have heard the director of the LGBT Center left Tufts for a job at Emory. Her replacement will start in a few weeks. I am very interested to see what his priorities will be and how he will work with the social justice community. New directors have also been hired and have started at the Women's Center and Africana Center (we like to think the open-letter contributed to these positions FINALLY being fulfilled). I am equally interested in the contributions of these two new directors.
There have been some recent concerns about trans issues on campus. An area that I pay special attention to (as I identify with that community).

Based on my experience, I have my own personal concerns regarding the lack of awareness and openness of administrative officials to trans issues, and I think this could become a flashpoint issue.

Finally, many of us have been working hard on Carl Sciortino's re-election campaign. I know I have hit the streets of Somerville to knock on doors for Carl and so have many other progressive Tufts students. With the primary this Tuesday, I hope everyone who lives in the district will make it to the polls and write in Carl!
Sorry for the lateness of this update and its brevity. If there is anything TPAN would like me to pass along to the open-letter coalition or other groups on campus (Tufts Dems, The Centers of 6 etc) let me know.

Sofia Nelson
TPAN Student Liaison

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