
Friday, July 11, 2008

Grace Paley z"l Organizing Fellowship

This is the LAST CALL for applications to the Grace Paley z"l Organizing Fellowship!  With the deadline to submit just 5 days away (July 16th), we urge you to start, finish, and send in your applications.  Don't miss out on an opportunity to work with JFREJ, a mentor, and other conscious-minded progressives to cultivate your movement building skills.  Get moving!

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Drum roll please…

JFREJ is proud to announce the launch of  the Grace Paley z"l Organizing Fellowship!


Click here for more information!

Click here to download the application!


The Fellowship will support 12-18 JFREJ leaders to develop their organizing skills, deepen their political analysis, strengthen their knowledge of Jewish culture and history and build their leadership capacity. The program will take place over six months from September 2008 to February of 2009. 


Named in honor of long-term JFREJ member and 2006 Rabbi Marshall T. Meyer Risk-Taker Award recipient, Grace Paley z"l (1923-2007) a political writer, activist, organizer and teacher whose life-long activism focused on feminist, anti-nuclear, and anti-war efforts. She was a founding member of the Greenwich Village Peace Center, participated  in the Women's Pentagon Action and was the first official New York State Author. Paley mentored generations of students, writers and activists through her career as a teacher at Columbia, CUNY and Sarah Lawrence and through her participation in local, national  and international organizing and activism. The Fellowship is an opportunity for JFREJ to  invest deeply in developing the next generation of leaders, young and old, who will grow  JFREJ into our next phase.


The Fellowship will begin and end with weekend retreat sessions and include monthly training sessions on a wide range of topics including concrete organizing skills, from recruitment to leadership development, coalition building and grassroots fundraising, to political analysis including dismantling racism and other forms of oppression, to strengthen knowledge of Jewish culture and history, and to encourage personal exploration and leadership development through mindfulness meditation and hevruta (paired) study.  


During the six months of the fellowship, each fellow will work 16 hours a month on either the Shalom Bayit: Justice for Domestic Workers or Housing Justice campaigns, putting their learning from the fellowship directly into action. 


Fellows will be matched with mentors who will meet with them throughout the program to reflect on their learning and think through key challenges and questions. 


There is no cost to fellows to participate in this program.


Click here for more information!

Click here to download the application!

To apply, please send the application and one letter of recommendation to or by mail to 135 W. 29th Street, NY, NY 10001 by Wednesday, July 16, 2008