
Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Obituary: Regina Shavers

It is with great sadness that we share with you the news that Regina Shavers,
founding Executive Director of GRIOT Circle, passed away yesterday.

Regina was not only a fierce advocate for our communities, but she was a life
force and a shining light for many younger activists. Many of us at QEJ were
blessed to have friendships with her over the years, and will miss that
friendship. In addition, she was an ally to QEJ's work on many occasions, and
she helped QEJ obtain some of our very first funding, by nominating us for the
Union Square Award that we received in 2004.

Below is a brief biography of her, highlighting some of her work.

Our condolences go out to her partner, family and friends.
Regina will be missed by many people.

- the staff of Queers for Economic Justice



Regina Shavers founded the GRIOT Circle, "an intergenerational and culturally
diverse community-based social service organization responsive to the realities
of older lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, two-spirit and transgender people
(LGBTST) of all colors."

Regina Shavers had a long history of community involvement and activism.

As co-chair of District Council 37 she advocates for workers’ rights, and
serves on the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
(AFSCME) Lesbian and Gay Rights Advisory Board. She played an active role in
the Campaign for and Inclusive Family Policy, the citywide coalition that
negotiated with Mayor David N. Dinkins to obtain Domestic Partner benefits for
New York City employees.

She also helped to found Pride At Work, a constituency group of the AFL-CIO
that focuses on the rights and unionization of LGBT workers.

Regina was also the former Assistant Director of the NYC Department of
Health’s HIV Training Institute. Here, she created and implemented curricula
for HIV prevention and treatment, including curricula specifically tailored
towards older populations. Regina continued with her HIV/AIDS facilitation as
a member of the New York Association on HIV Over Fifty (NYAHOF).

In 1995, Regina co-founded GRIOT Circle to combat the lack of community that
she had observed amongst LGBT Elders, particularly those of color. She assumed
the role of Executive Director of GRIOT in 2000.

Regina Shavers founded the GRIOT Circle as "an intergenerational and culturally
diverse community-based social service organization responsive to the realities
of older lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, two-spirit and transgender people
(LGBTST) of all colors." The goal of GRIOT Circle is to maintain a safe space
for elders, provide emotional support and quality programming which affirms
age, gender, racial, spiritual and ethnic origins for the over 50 LGBTST
community in Brooklyn. GRIOT Circle provides educational and informational
forums, referrals to social service providers, health and fitness programs,
spiritual wellness, computer training, a friendly visitors program and social
outreach. Volunteer members make reassurance telephone calls and visits to
homebound, sick or hospitalized persons.