Town Meeting on Stereotyping and Campus Climate
Town Meeting on Stereotyping and Campus Climate
Date: Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Time: 12:00pm - 4:30pm
Location: Cohen Auditorium
Description: This event provides an opportunity for all members of our
community to share their experiences, observations, and perceptions on
stereotyping and the campus climate. A reception will follow in
Alumnae Lounge.
Sponsored By: TCU Senate, the AS&E Diversity Office, the University
Office of Institutional Diversity, the Office of the Dean of Student
Affairs, the Bias Initiative at Tufts/Bias Education and Awareness
Team, the Group of Six Culture Centers, the Office of Residential Life
and Learning, the AS&E Faculty Equal Educational Opportunity
Committee, the Graduate School of Arts & Sciences, and Tisch College
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