
Friday, October 24, 2008

Alumni suggest community and social change for TCU

Here are the seven responses from the survey last week. All are from alumni:

Supporting groups that encourage community involvement-- particularly organizing and activism in ways that help to strengthen the local communities of which Tufts plays a part!

I think some of the money should go to groups that facilitate funding for social change and service projects for students such as the Social Justice Fund.

Endow scholarships to bring students to Tufts who would otherwise be rejected because of need.

Support for Group of Six and related student groups and activities. More funding for arts and culture group.

Donate the money to the Social Justice Fund, to support progressive activism on campus.

Provide former OSA employees with retroactive raises and benefits which were withheld.

I think they should set up an Activist Center to provide institutional support for activism and active citizenship on campus.

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