radical jewish events nyc
1. Domestic Workers & JFREJ take Albany!
Today, JFREJ organized a contingent of more then 70 people to go up to Albany as a part of a 300 person lobby day effort by the Domestic Workers Rights Coalition to lobby for passage of the Domestic Workers Bill of Rights. This bill if passed, will be the first of its kind to offer fair wages, benefits and dignity to over 200,000 domestic workers in the NY metro area.
JFREJ mobilized employers from 3 synagogues and Jewish communities, rabbinical students from Hebrew Union College, Jewish Theological Seminary and Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, college students from NYU and the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and high school students from Washington Irving High School.
We are sorry you couldn't join us today - but you can still be a part of it.
Please take a minute to call your assembly member right now.
Ask them to contact Susan John, Chair of the Labor Committee, and ask her to support bill #A628B (the Domestic Workers Bill of Rights) being approved by the labor committee as soon as possible, before the end of the legislative session.
To find the phone number for your State Assembly Representative, click here.
2. Radical Culture: JFREJ hosts Radical Jewish Walking Tour
Sunday June 8th- 5pm
The JFREJ Housing campaign is pleased to invite you to join us to celebrate Shavuot, a spring harvest holiday by learning together about the history of Jews organizing for change and the links to struggles for justice today on the Lower East Side. Learn more about Lower East Side history and enjoy eating ice cream or some other dairy/yummy treat to celebrate the spring-time.
For details and meeting location, click here.
3. Go and Learn- great events by JFREJ allies:
1-- Cornell West and Susannah Heschel-- Wednesday, May 21st
Can There Be a Prophetic Spirit in America Today? This conversation commemorates the legacy of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel and will delve into utilizing Jewish values (as well as the Jewish prophetic tradition) to promote social action in 20th and 21st century America.
For more information, go to: http://www.mjhnyc.org/safrahall/visit_safra_17.htm#heschel
2-- NYC Premiere of a Jihad for Love- May 21st - June 4th
Muslim gay filmmaker Parvez Sharma travels the many worlds of this dynamic faith, discovering the stories of its most unlikely storytellers: lesbian and gay Muslims.
For more information go to: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=13988012751&ref=mf
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