International Activist Forum
Dear colleagues,
I would like to introduce my self, I am Jay geeps, representative of Perhimpunan Nasional Aktivis'98 (PENA'98)/(Indonesia's 98 National Activist Association), an independent organization consist of former Indonesian youth 98 activist from varies resistant organization and student movement such as FORKOT - Jakarta, FKSMJ, POSPERRA - FRONTIER (Bali), FKMB (Bandung) and others from 22 province in Indonesia, which organized and struggle against Soeharto, militarism and capital regime in 1998, PENA organizational body Lead by Secretary General : Adian Napitupulu, and National Presidium Coordinator : Sangap Surbakti, with 22 provincial council.
PENA political manifesto and agenda is fighting for political position against pro capital party, establish an anti Capitals and anti Globalization movement network, strengthen pro community economic, Nationalization of Indonesian assets from MNC's, support to the investigation of all human rights violation during Soeharto regime (1965 - 1998), and combating corruption and nepotism in Indonesia.
PENA shared the same vision on the Porto Alegre Manifesto, and put it as the commitment of our movement of struggle. Inspired also by Venuzuela's movement, Cuba, Bolivia, Brazil, Argentina and others in developing a new emerging forces against the capitals regimes.
We would like to invite you and your organization to join our up coming event of International Activist forum which will be held on March 7 - 11 2008 at Samosir Island of Lake Toba, North Sumatera, Indonesia, forum will be focus on a major issues such Democracy, Human rights, Justice, Militarism, Racism, Gender, labor, education, farmers, poverty, environment, forestry, global warming, new economy and the strengthen of political capacity strategic concept against Neo liberal and Neo Capital.
The event will also programming Cultural performance, Music concert, Theater and traditional dance, Environment CAMPAIGN, Samosir clean up, 10,000 tree plantation, Documentary Movie, Case testimony, Exchange info and situation presentation, Thematic discussion and seminar, Photo expo, Web campaign, Press conference.
Aim of the activity expected;
1. To strengthen the anti Globalization and anti Neo Capital movement at local level in Sumatera, Indonesia's national level, regional Asia and world wide.
2.Sharing idea and concept in combating Neo Capital and Globalization 3. Divine strategic cooperation activists world wide.
4. Strengthen the Political strategic and capacity in combating Neo capital.
5. Counter the up coming WEF Asia-pacific in June at Kuala Lumpur , and response to WEF annual summit, Davos.
6. Income generating activity to indigenous and native bataks of North Sumatera through the homestay concept and cultural performance.
7. Environment campaign of Lake Toba .
Our expectation for the event is to be the stepping stones for the further process of anti globalization movement. please feel free to see the info at or Any contribution, support comments, advise, input and critics to the process of IAF 2008 are very much welcome.
please not hesitate to contact me, at any time your convenience.
thank you and looking forward for your response.
best regards
Jay geeps
PENA 98 - International Relation Dept. Head Tebet Dalam I No.6 - Jakarta Indonesia 12810
+62 21 8357281
skype; jay.geeps
Labels: activism, conference, world social forum
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