Be a part of the Progressive Revolution. . .

That's right. The neocons are on their way out of power and we are happy to be their escort. We meaning you: lawyers, teachers, artists, businesspeople, academics, geeks, reporters, politicos. We are the Left and we are acting like it. Act.
The deadline to run for a 2007-2010 term for the Board is coming up in just one week. Board members get to choose what they want to work on, including:
• Deciding on how to allocate Social Justice Fund grants, empowering our future activists, and building our Network.There are four positions up for grabs. Elections will take place in just a few weeks! If you are interested to work with our exciting group of people, send an email to Eva,, indicating your interest by September 30, 20007.
• Choosing an undergrad for the Progressive Senior Award, recognizing and defining Progressive Leadership.
• Working on activist issues going on at Tufts, letting Progressives at Tufts know they have our support.
• Posting jobs to the blog, helping each other become aware of progressive opportunities.
• Or lead a new project that you think TPAN should undertake!
Being on the Board is only one way to be involved. If running for the Board is not for you, find your niche and let us know in the comments.
Lauren Bellon LA'00
Cindy Chang LA'03
Tom Chen LA'04
Louis Esparza LA'03
Gary Goldstein, PhD
Doug Hansen LA'02
Rachel Jones LA'03
Liz Monnin-Browder LA'03
Eva Skillicorn LA'06
Jean Wu, PhD
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