Recycling + Barter + Social Networking = ...
I found this website called SocialWay which has a great premise, but so far doesn't have a lot of users in the states. (It's freaking huge in India, apparently). Basically, you post items that you either want to loan or give away. They are entered into a searchable database, and other users can look for the stuff they need. When they find your item, you arrange the loan/giveaway/trade! It functions much on the same principle as Freecycle and the Free Stuff section of Craigslist, except it's more graphical -- you actually get to see what you're picking up.
It's not very useful right now, I admit, but if it ever takes off, it's something I'd certainly like to be a part of.
Labels: barter, carbon emissions, clean energy, conservation, environment, skillshare, sustainability, trade
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