
Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Should TPAN join TUAA?

A few of us have been discussing the possibility of joining the alumni association. The board has had a conversation about this in the past. In October of last year, as the '06 Board cohort was just coming on, I had started the process of applying for Chapter membership to TUAA and then aborted the process after consensus was not obtained on the issue. This was after almost a year of people talking about doing this.

Some questions we've had:

1) Could we use TUAA's 501(c)3 status to collect money from our members for TPAN's operating budget?
2) Would there be restrictions on what TPAN could say or do?

I think this question about joining TUAA is becoming increasingly urgent. TPAN is growing and we cannot organize effectively if we have no way to fund our activities or to collect donations from our members. Many of our initiatives have been paid for out of pocket by individuals on the Board listserv. What do you guys think?

